Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry

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Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry

With a state-of-the-art design, Lunar iDEXATM offers research-grade image resolution and clarity with exacting precision designed to provide you a high degree of clinical confidence across all body types for bone health and body composition.
The direct-to-digital technology of Lunar iDEXATM provides extra-crisp images. The image is comparable to radiographs in identifying and classifying vertebral deformities concerning etiology, grade, and shape, but with a lower dose than conventional X-ray.
The Lunar iDEXATM is up to twice as precise and accurate as competing systems. The exclusive 6-Point Calibration technique not only is with normal, osteopenic, and osteoporotic BMD values, but also the normal and obese values. The result is more clinical confidence than ever before.